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BIOS/UEFI Versions for the Vault



BIOS is the abbreviation for Basic Input Output System. It is a small program that is stored on non-volatile memory that is used to initialize the system hardware during the boot process. UEFI is the abbreviation for Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, which is a modern firmware interface that replaces the traditional BIOS in computers and is more common with newer devices. BIOS or UEFI is installed on every system when it ships, but occasionally there are upgrades to the BIOS/UEFI to address various issues. This page has a table with all of the current versions of BIOS/UEFI for the Vault. BIOS can be downloaded from this table by clicking on the "Download Link" entry and used to upgrade the BIOS on the Vault. This page also has a table outlining which Vault products support Legacy, UEFI OS installs, or both as this can affect what OS can be installed on the devices.

The currently installed BIOS/UEFI version can be found on the main BIOS/UEFI page, as seen in the example screenshot below (circled in red):


BIOS Main Tab


The following table outlines which Vault products support Legacy, UEFI OS installs:

ModelAMI BIOScoreboot
FW2B and FW4BUEFI and LegacyLegacy only
FW4CUEFI and LegacyUEFI only
FW6A/B/Br2/C/D/EUEFI and LegacyLegacy only
VP2410UEFI and LegacyUEFI only
VP2420UEFI onlyUEFI only
VP4630/50/70UEFI onlyUEFI only
VP6630/50/70UEFI onlyUEFI only
V1XXX SeriesUEFI onlyReleasing Soon (UEFI only)

We recommend only updating the firmware if there is a compelling reason to do so due to the risk of possibly rendering the device inoperable. If you have any questions please reach out to support@protectli.com  before flashing the BIOS.

Older FW6 devices with Intel 82583V NIC's have added memory sensitivity on newer BIOS for i210/i211 supported devices. The latest BIOS we recommend for FW6 devices with 82583V NIC's is KBU6LA09.

To check what version of NIC in FreeBSD, boot to single user mode and once the console is loaded enter the command :

# pciconf -lv | grep Intel -A1 -B1

For Linux use the following:

# lspci | egrep -i ‘network|ethernet’

Some older versions of the FW1 and FW2 Vaults do not have a COM port.  These units are still compatible with the FW1 and FW2 BIOS listed above.See this link for instructions on how to install BIOS on the Vault, or consider using the Flashli (link) script to simplify the process.

Some older versions of FW1 and FW2 Vaults do not automatically update the new Boot Order with version BTL4A012. If this occurs, follow the steps below to set the Boot Order:

  • Power off the unit
  • Reboot the unit and hit the DEL key to enter BIOS
  • Select the Boot Tab
  • Select "F3" to Load Optimized Defaults
  • Verify the proper Boot order of 1) UEFI mSATA 2) UEFI USB 3) Legacy mSATA 4) Legacy USB
  • Select "F4" to Save and Exit
  • Verify the system boots correctly
ModelDownload LinkBIOS IDNotesRelease DateSHA 256 Hash (.bin file)
FW2B2B230518BSW2L011Correct version string in BIOS Version fieldNovember 29, 20234D726C8F2937F245ED1776A3C9F8AE9A02DE2AB69F4F5FAC9A81606DAC5CCCF6
FW4B4B210831BSW4L011Updates BIOS Splash Screen, Added Support for i211 NICs August 31, 2021BC10113955C8874F4CCADF716618434362A80424BBA1936C5FA329989553130E
FW4CPlease use Flashli MBSW0103Enabled Turbo Mode by DefaultOctober 26, 2022CBA99350FD3AE679E1050D5BAA772D545FE5C8D47D51272BB071A24B106F1578
FW6A/B/C/D/E6-210827KBR6L 1.50Unified BIOS for FW6A/B/C/D/E *See note above for older 82583v NIC devicesNovember 18, 2021373da4fb5c93c964b7441bc6ee9580bfacb140d9bc25049cd4fdfef4a4076780
V1210 V1210-2405015.19Initial Released VersionMay 1, 20245ca9d8b0c705d06cf79220f68c61b1d54ee77619761e714c89a12cba3b16e584
VP2410Please use Flashli due to hardware revisionsGLK4L 3.10Initial Released VersionMay 24, 20212BF85D54B6C40AB2B7C1674CF629FE2EF465CC00960AF5BC8C41AFE961A606F7
VP2420VP2420-230706VP2420 V1.02Initial Released VersionAugust 2, 2023BB85CCDD1F3722DF51E0A40CDCEA54CBEB19EEE87AE50AF1322BAE24EBB8715C
VP4630VP4630-230615CML6A 2.40 CSM UEFI Network fixAugust 2, 2023805248017BE523318298C20F2B2ECA87CF7DF810CC59FB3DFEB9BA574A764900
VP4650VP4650-230615CML6A 2.40CSM UEFI Network fixAugust 2, 2023D1735E300F59A5C2B1474D01B7FA40FC6AA3D9FDB6CB114753452EC363AD798A
VP4670Please use Flashli due to hardware revisionsCMUL6 2.10CSM UEFI Network fixAugust 2, 20235128E2E33EBC94881A537E1D5783EB6ECE3720D037F804840A67D4144364D062
VP6630VP6630-242005ADP6L 1.50Forced spread spectrumJune 5, 20247B37A4BFFAFB6854A422C4F8BA63153E03BB6673BF1A608547A0DC6F3BE3D47B
VP6650VP6650-240716ADP6L 1.50Forced spread spectrumJuly 17, 2024CC1DA9ECB8F3F61119DF7E9FC8A4F344B256B567C55C6846A6E676044B821562
VP6670VP6670-240716ADP6L 1.50Forced spread spectrumJuly 17, 2024B08660D4269C6096C892EB45D824169715FFCEB512BD7584562DF4F64795A50D

Previous Versions

ModelDownload LinkBIOS IDNotesRelease Date
FW11-190708BTL4A012New Logo, Enable UEFI and Legacy, Boot Order UEFI before LegacyAugust 1, 2019
FW22-190708BTL4A012New Logo, Enable UEFI and Legacy, Boot Order UEFI before LegacyAugust 1, 2019
FW4A4A190619E38L4A12New Logo, Enable UEFI and Legacy, Boot Order UEFI before LegacyAugust 1, 2019
FW11-181025BTL4A010Intel Spectre and Meltdown fixesOctober 25, 2018
FW22-180706BTL4A008Intel Spectre and Meltdown fixesJuly 6, 2018
FW4A4A180804E38L4A05 V1.03Intel Spectre and Meltdown fixes, COM port fixAugust 4, 2018
FW2B2B210831BSW4L011Updated BIOS Splash ScreenAugust 31, 2021
FW2B2B191022BSW4L009HDMI 1440p Display FixOctober 22, 2019
FW4B4B191022BSW4L009HDMI 1440p Display FixOctober 22, 2019
FW4C4C220921MBSW0103Initial Released VersionSeptember 21, 2022
FW6A/B/C6-210621YKBR6L12*Please see notes above before flashing. New Logo, Added Support for Intel i210/i211 NICsJune 30, 2021
FW6A6-190708KBU6LA09New Logo, Enable UEFI and Legacy, Boot Order UEFI before LegacyAugust 1, 2019
FW6B6-190708KBU6LA09New Logo, Enable UEFI and Legacy, Boot Order UEFI before LegacyAugust 1, 2019
FW6C6-190708KBU6LA09New Logo, Enable UEFI and Legacy, Boot Order UEFI before LegacyAugust 1, 2019
FW6A6-180614KBU6LA06Intel ME, Spectre and Meltdown fixesJune 14, 2018
FW6B6-180614KBU6LA06Intel ME, Spectre and Meltdown fixesJune 14, 2018
FW6C6-180614KBU6LA06Intel ME, Spectre and Meltdown fixesJune 14, 2018
FW6D6D201203KBR6L 1.32Initial Released VersionDecember 3, 2020
FW6E6E201203KBR6L 1.32Initial Released VersionDecember 3, 2020
VP2420VP2420-221213VP2420 V1.01Initial Released VersionDecember 22, 2022
VP4630VP4630-220929CML6A 2.0Added support for dTPMSeptember 21, 2022
VP4630VP4630-221102CML6A 2.20Improved CPU Turbo scalingNovember 1, 2022
VP4650VP4650-220929CML6A 2.0Added support for dTPMSeptember 21, 2022
VP4650VP4650-221102CML6A 2.20Improved CPU Turbo scalingNovember 1, 2022
VP4670VP4670-221102CMUL6 1.90Improved CPU Turbo scalingNovember 1, 2022

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