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Vilfo on the Vault



Vilfo is a VPN focused router application that is based on OpenWRT. Vilfo’s home page is at this link and the Vilfo OS is described at this link. Vilfo is a licensed application and licenses or free trials can be obtained at this link.  Vilfo makes their own hardware, but they also make the application available for installation on third party hardware. Protectli has partnered with Vilfo and now offers Vilfo as an installation option on the Vault at the time of purchase. In addition, Vilfo can be installed by the user after receiving a Vault.

This article describes the installation process for Vilfo if a user chooses to install it by themselves. Note that in either the preinstalled case or the user-installed case, the user must acquire the Vilfo license from the Vilfo site.

Installing Vilfo

If installing Vilfo yourself, follow the instructions at this link.

Configuring Vilfo

After  Vilfo has been installed, or if Vilfo was preinstalled on the Vault, it must be configured with the license. Vilfo has configuration instructions at this link. However, these instructions are for the Vilfo router which has WiFi. The Vault can be purchased without WiFi. If there is no WiFi in the Vault, or the WiFi network is not seen, connect an Ethernet cable between a PC and the LAN port or Port 1 of the Vault.

  • Browse to http://admin.vilfo.com
  • Verify the Vilfo configuration page is displayed.
  • Skip over the WiFi settings page if applicable
  • Go to the "License Key" section.
  • Follow the instructions for the License Key and Credentials.

At this point Vilfo has been installed on the Vault.

VPN Provider

If you have a VPN provider, follow the instructions to configure the VPN.

Note that the VPN Credentials are not the same as the Vilfo application credentials.


After configuring the VPN, the system should be up and running. If you have any issues regarding the installation, feel free to contact support@protectli.com.

Vilfo Support

If there are any issues regarding the Vilfo service itself, please see the Vilfo documentation page at this link.

Information regarding Vilfo subscriptions can be found at this link.

Information regarding upgrading Vilfo software can be found at this link.

The Vilfo Customer Support contact page is at this link.

VPN Throughput

VPN throughput is dependent on many parameters, particularly the VPN provider, contracted speeds, network congestion, etc. The numbers below show the download speeds for a few of the Vaults with Vilfo and a VPN service. For our results shown below we used OVPN as the provider and connected to several different SpeedTest.net servers finding a consistent average. The results are intended to show the relative performance among some Vaults, but is not considered an absolute guarantee or restriction.

VaultVPN Service/ SpeedTest ServerOpenVPNWireGuard
FW4BOVPN Los Angeles/Los Angeles (various)~200 Mbps~740 Mbps
VP2410OVPN Los Angeles/Los Angeles (various)~515 Mbps~760 Mbps
FW6COVPN Los Angeles/Los Angeles (various)~700 Mbps~800 Mbps
FW6EOVPN Los Angeles/Los Angeles (various)~760 Mbps~800 Mbps

Vilfo Compatibility

VaultAMIcorebootWiFi: WAP01-1K ~30Mbps (2.4Ghz)WiFi: WM-PCIE-001 ~200Mbps (5Ghz)WiFi: WM-M2-001 ~200Mbp (5Ghz)
FW2BYesYesYesAMI onlyN/A
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