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How to Rescue ClearOS and CentOS


Rescue Procedure Overview

There is a documented bug in CentOS 7-1804 and ClearOS 7 that causes a kernel panic (crash) on some systems at reboot. Information and workaround are available at: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=14779 . This bug affects the FW1, FW2, and FW4A versions of The Vault. If the newly installed CentOS or ClearOS is affected by the known issue, it can be "rescued". "Rescue" means that the new installation can be configured to avoid this bug. See the section below for instructions to alleviate the issue.

Performing rescue on ClearOS and CentOS

Follow the instructions below to rescue the system from the known issue with ClearOS 7 and CentOS 7

  • Reboot the system from the Installation USB
  • Select Troubleshooting
  • Select Rescue ClearOS
  • Verify the system boots up
  • Verify the rescue options are displayed
  • Select "1" to continue
  • Verify the system is mounted at /mnt/sysimage
  • Hit Enter to get a shell
  • Verify the shell is at the prompt sh-4.2#
  • Use the the following command to change directory to /mnt/sysimage/etc/modprobe.d
  • sh-4.2# cd /mnt/sysimage/etc/modprobe.d/
  • Edit/Create the file snd.conf
  • Add the following line to snd.conf "blacklist snd-hdmi-lpe-audio"
  • Save the file
  • Verify the new config file with the following command:
  • sh-4.2# more snd.conf
  • Reboot the system with the following command
  • sh-4.2# reboot
  • Verify the system boots from the mSATA
  • Verify the system boots successfully
  • Continue the installation from the point of the failure and verify it completes successfully

If you experience any issues, please feel free to reach out: support@protectli.com or find more information in our Knowledge Base.

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